Sunday, November 21, 2010

Screw You, Internet

I haven't posted in a couple days, mostly due to a combination of lack of sleep and no good ideas. Plus I've been kinda moping over the fact that I don't think that many people are reading this crap. Plus I've had stuff going on in my personal life that I didn't really want to write about but was taking up a lot of room in my brain. So I didn't think that:
1. Any of that would make a good post or
2. That anyone would care anyway.

But then I remembered that I'm not writing this for you. I mean, yeah, I love when people comment or tell me that they really enjoyed something I wrote, but that's not why I started doing this. Hell, if I wanted to make sure people read this or to make money off it I should start writing a novel for teens about a misunderstood youth whose parents really don't understand them AND is trying to find his/her way in a brand new school AND suddenly discovers they have an exciting, danger-and-romance-filled destiny ahead of them.

And then I would wear this EVERY DAY.
But that's not the goal. Not yet, anyway. I'm just writing this cause I feel like it. SO. Consider the last couple of missed days a momentary lapse. Regular posts start again tomorrow. And if you don't read it? Well, screw you guys then. My mom reads it and she thinks I'm great.

I bet that money suit is too hard to keep clean anyways. 


  1. Still, it's pretty handy if you need to break a twenty

  2. No way, if I get a money suit it's gonna be made of 100 dollar bills just so everyone knows what a "fly-ass baller" I am. That's what the kids say, right?


Please help support my every-hungry ego with delicious comments, they taste like sunshine and rainbows in my tummy.