Friday, November 12, 2010

Fabulous First Friday Fpost!

Hey there Internet! Who likes to read?

  These kids love it! But they're SUPER high right now.

Aww, who are you kidding? You know you love staring at your screen for hours on end when you should be working or studying. And those of you that know me in real life (I call it meat-space) have repeatedly mentioned that warm, fuzzy feeling you get from getting a taste of my genius. So, being the generous guy that I am, I've decided to share my awesomeness for the whole world to sit and stare at. Don't expect anything concrete in the way of topic, I'm pretty much gonna talk about whatever I happen to be thinking about that day.

Like this, except I don't know what my own butt tastes like. Oh, and I'm not a dog.

 So yeah, expect more soon, I'm gonna try to keep this thing updated at least three times a week. Also check out the Required Reading links to see some other stuff you'll probably end up enjoying a lot more than this thing. See ya when I see ya!

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