Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Never Give Up! Maybe.

Did you guys think I wasn't gonna post today? WRONG. The streak continues!

Anyway, don't feel like talking about much, so I figured I'd phone it in and just do a quick one tonight. Which is also what she saidBOOM I'M HILARIOUS.
*Laugh track*

So, I pose a question to my thousands, perhaps billions of readers:

When do we give up? At what point in an endeavor does it make sense to quit and move on to something else? I mean, difficulty isn't a great measure, right? There's plenty of things that are difficult that are worth fighting through. And rationality isn't a perfect gauge either. People have always done things that didn't make logical sense and ended up achieving exactly what they wanted.
Do we give up when someone tells us to? How about when everyone tells us to? No, because despite their good intentions, they might be wrong. So how about when you feel like quitting. When you're looking at the path you've put yourself on and you think to yourself, "Screw it. This is stupid. I'm tired, and I don't want to do this anymore."

Is that right? Or maybe we have to push through that as well, realize that what we're trying to do is more important than what we feel at the moment, and keep going. And maybe, just maybe, fighting past all the obstacles and achieving what you set out to do is more important than the discomfort, unsureness and fear we feel when we doubt ourselves.

Or maybe not.

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