Sunday, March 6, 2011

You See, What Had Happened Was...

Woah, I finally escaped the distant past! See, the reason I haven't posted in forever is because I got sucked into this CRAAAAZY time portal that transported me to the year 230 AD.

It also transformed me into a white dude wearing flip-flops. Weird.

And then I had to fight Mongols and dinosaurs and Bruce Willis showed up and...

OK. Truth time. I didn't actually get sucked into the past, no wacky hi-jinks were preventing me from writing stuff. I didn't even get horribly injured or a job that requires more effort than absolutely none. Truth is, writing got harder than I thought it would, so I quit. With the best of intentions, and always intending to start again, but I still gave up on it. Which may, in fact, be one of the most hypocritical things I've done in a long, long time.

You see, I'm one of those people that looks around at my peers and is a little disappointed a lot of the time. I'm very critical of those around me, even if I have enough sense to know that most of the time it's not a big deal. But I especially hate to see the people around me giving up when I know FOR A FACT that if they tried a little harder, they could have exactly what they want.

People who bemoan the fact that they are out of shape, but don't want to go to the gym.
People who wish that that the person they want to notice them would notice them, but can't even start a conversation with them.
People who give up halfway through because it got too hard.

And that's exactly what I did. Which makes me a super-hypocrite, since I consider myself qualified to hand out advice that, apparently, I haven't been taking.

So, consider this my formal apology: I'm sorry, Internet. Especially to those few special people out there who personally told me that they like what I do on here and didn't understand why I stopped. I'm really sorry. I will expect better of myself in the future, and I will do my best to keep writing my thoughts and finding silly things to show you guys in the future. Stuff like this:

Cats are either awesome or hate-filled sacks with claws. It's in the Bible.
OK, now that's out of the way. I'm looking into shifting this thing-a-whosit to Tumblr cause frankly, it looks way cooler than the amateur hour crap-fest I've got going on at the moment. But I'll give you guys the heads-up and keep posting on here until that actually happens. And I jumped onto the Twitter bandwagon, so feel free to follow me on there or just check out the live feed box on the blog to see all the random thoughts that pop into my head.


P.S New rule: at least two posts a week from now on. If I don't hold up my end, feel free to find me and beat me with PVC pipe.

1 comment:

Please help support my every-hungry ego with delicious comments, they taste like sunshine and rainbows in my tummy.